We are keen to share the achievements of our former students and tap into their skills and
knowledge to help inspire our current students.
We look forward to inviting Alumni in to take part in our career’s events throughout the year.

‘I consider myself very lucky to have attended Kinver High School; I am very grateful. As I lived in Kinver from an early age, I was in the fortunate position of attending Kinver with friends I had grown up with. This, in combination with the homely feeling of the school, the lovely teachers, and many more friends I met upon beginning at KHS, made the school experience very familial. Without doubt, my time at Kinver High School helped to shape me both academically and personally, aiding me greatly in attaining my aspirations. I was most definitely challenged and encouraged to fulfil my potential.
My first year at Oxford has been wonderful. Medicine is an incredibly interesting subject, and already at this stage, very rewarding. There is plenty of work with which to occupy yourself, but there is always a sense of accomplishment that accompanies the completion of work. All of this is made far easier by the astoundingly knowledgeable tutors here teaching us, all of whom are practicing specialists, professors, researchers, or a combination of these.
Beyond the rather plenteous work, I have made some amazing friends, who are invaluable in enriching the university experience, and supporting me in my time here. I’ve also been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to play basketball at University level; this is a fantastic opportunity to get needed breaks from working/studying’.
If you are an ex Kinver High School pupil and you would like to join our alumni, please complete the form using this link and we will be in touch with you, thank you.