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Kinver High School prides itself on the secure and happy environment we have created which allows our pupils to achieve their potential.


Outstanding attendance and punctuality allow pupils to be successful at school, which in time increases the chances of a fruitful future and is also vital preparation for adult life.


We expect all our students to attend school on time, all of the time. Although we understand that certain circumstances may result in absence at times and so we aim to create excellent home school links. We strongly believe that student attendance and punctuality are a shared responsibility and partnership between home, school, and the Education Welfare Officer (EWO). An effective and efficient system of communication between pupils, staff, parents and the appropriate agencies is essential in order for all students to reach their true and full potential. At Kinver High School we have high expectations for our students and so, we expect our students to achieve 96-100% attendance each academic year.


Our Attendance Officer, Mrs Evans is dedicated to ensuring that you and your child are fully supported with all attendance related issues. In addition to Mrs Evans, Mr Hussain is also available to support you and your child. Kinver High School prides itself on ensuring the safety and well-being of your child. We have a range of support that we can offer to you and your child if you need it, please do not hesitate in contacting us to discuss any concerns or queries you may have.


Student Absence

Students should only be absent from the school for valid reasons such as genuine illness, health related appointments or when leave of absence is granted by the Attendance Officer, for instance for a family funeral.

Parents must notify Mrs Evans by 8.30am if their child is going to be absent that day, this can be done by calling 01384 686900


Student illness during the school time

If your child was to start to feel unwell during the school day, every effort will be made to ensure they remain in school.  In the unlikely event that the decision is made for them to be sent home unwell then a parent/carer or a responsible adult authorised by the parent/carer must collect the child.


Student Medical Appointments

Medical and dental appointments should be made outside of school hours where possible or during registration time, 8.45am – 9.15am in order for them to be authorised by school. If it is not possible to make the appointment out of school hours then the pupil should be out of school for the least amount of time possible.

A letter, phone call or email detailing the appointment should be made to our appointments email address (, this should include a photocopy/scanned copy of the appointment letter/card and an approximate return to school time.



If your child is late to school, but arrives before 9.07am  in the first instance they will be issued with a 15 minute Form Tutor detention, if they fail to attend this then they will spend a lunchtime in our Reflection Room. If a student is late after 9.07am they will spend lunch time the same day in the Reflection Room. Repeated punctuality issues will warrant further sanctions these include a referral to the child’s Head of School.

Repeated punctuality issues will warrant further sanctions these include a referral to the child’s Head of School.


What does being late each day equate to over an academic year?


Minutes late to school each day                                                    Number of school days missed as a result of poor punctuality

5                                                                                                                          3 days

10                                                                                                                       6.5 days

15                                                                                                                      10 days

20                                                                                                                      13 days

25                                                                                                                      19 days


Holidays during term time


Taking holidays in term time will affect your child’s learning as much as any other absence and so we request that you do not book holidays during term time. There is no automatic entitlement in law to allow students to have time off during term time to go on holiday. The Education (Student Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 No 756 Clarification state that leave of absence shall not be granted by schools unless there are ‘exceptional circumstances’. Any saving you think you may benefit from by booking your family holiday(s) during term time are offset by the impact it will have upon your child’s education. Any applications for leave during term time will only be authorised due to exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Headteacher. All applications must be made in writing to Mrs Clifton and must be at least ten school days prior to the requested leave date. Where the decision is made not to authorise leave in term time, school will inform parents/ carers in writing.


How can pupils and parents work with Kinver High School to support attendance?


  • Remember, a missed day of learning will put a student at a disadvantage to their peers/to reaching their potential and so we ask that you work with us to ensure your child attends every day to allow them to fully engage with their learning

  • Communicate with us, let us know if there is a genuine reason why your child cannot attend school, we are here to help and support you and your family

  • Work with us, we ask that you discuss ways to support your child catch up on the work they might have missed due to absence.

  • Encourage and help your child to be punctual so they do not miss any learning time


The impact of Attendance on a student’s learning


Attendance percentage                                                                    Equivalent number of school days missed

100%                                                                                                              0

95%                                                                                                                10

90%                                                                                                                20

85%                                                                                                                30

80%                                                                                                                40


Attendance is key to your progress and attainment. At Kinver High School our school attendance target is 96% and we expect all of our pupils to strive towards this target. Research proves that there is a direct link between attendance and students reaching their full potential academically.


Research has proven that your attendance is likely to affect your GCSE outcomes in the following way:


96% Attendance – a student has a very good chance of achieving the government benchmark % of GCSE Grades at 9 – 5


93% Attendance – a student has a good chance of achieving the government benchmark % of GCSE Grades at 9 – 5


92% Attendance – a student has a fair chance of achieving the government benchmark % of GCSE Grades at 9 – 5


90% Attendance – a student has less than a 50% chance of achieving the government benchmark % of GCSE Grades at 9 – 5


88% Attendance – a student has less than 35% chance of achieving the government benchmark % of GCSE Grades at 9 – 5


Under 88% Attendance –  a student ha less than a 30% chance of achieving the government benchmark % of GCSE Grades at 9 – 5


Under new GCSE grading system grades 9 – 5 are considered strong passes by further education providers and employers.

As you can see, the better your attendance at Kinver High School, the higher your chance of success at GCSE. The same is also true of other qualifications, such as BTECs, A-Levels, degrees or other qualifications.

Following on from the research above, studies have also proven that students who leave school with no qualifications earn an average of just £7.44 per hour, those with only GCSE qualifications earn £9.02 per hour, with A-levels an average wage of £10.27 per hour and those students who go on to  graduate from University earn an average of £15.01 per hour.


The impact of poor punctuality on a student learning


Poor punctuality = lost learning time!


5 minutes late each day = 3 days lost across an academic year

10 minutes late each day = 6.5 days lost across an academic year

15 minutes late each day = 13 days lost across an academic year

20 minutes late each day = 15 days lost across an academic year

30 minutes late each day = 19 days lost across an academic year

*Each of these days lost equals 5 hours of missed learning time











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Attendance and Absence Procedures

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Kinver High School and Sixth Form
Enville Road, Kinver, Stourbridge,
West Midlands DY7 6AA
Tel: 01384 686900

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©2022 by Invictus Education Trust

A Member of Invictus Education Trust

Registered address: Invictus Headquarters, Kinver High School, Enville Road, Kinver, South Staffs, England DY7 6AA.

 A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales  (company number: 09284368)

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