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GCSE Exam Timetable

Dear parent/carer and student,

Please find attached a PDF document. This document is a revision/session plan for Year 11 through the examinations process. The plan covers up until the Whitsun half term. A new bespoke plan will be produced for the last leg of the GCSE examinations.

The plan is a step-by-step guide for students to follow. The plan states the exams to be sat, the revision sessions running, and arrangements for when sessions are not running. This is laid out in a day-by-day format. The plan informs the student if he/she would be in a different room than normal. If there is no room listed next to a session then this means the session is in the student’s normal classroom.

There will be further communication coming out concerning period 7 (enrichment) provision and procedures for any home study arrangements.

Thank you and I hope this document helps.

Good luck Year 11.

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