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Careers & Raising Aspirations

4. Alumni - matriculationphoto Josh Hayw

‘I consider myself very lucky to have attended Kinver High School; I am very grateful. As I lived in Kinver from an early age, I was in the fortunate position of attending Kinver with friends I had grown up with. This, in combination with the homely feeling of the school, the lovely teachers, and many more friends I met upon beginning at KHS, made the school experience very familial. Without doubt, my time at Kinver High School helped to shape me both academically and personally, aiding me greatly in attaining my aspirations. I was most definitely challenged and encouraged to fulfil my potential.


My first year at Oxford has been wonderful. Medicine is an incredibly interesting subject, and already at this stage, very rewarding. There is plenty of work with which to occupy yourself, but there is always a sense of accomplishment that accompanies the completion of work. All of this is made far easier by the astoundingly knowledgeable tutors here teaching us, all of whom are practicing specialists, professors, researchers, or a combination of these.


Beyond the rather plenteous work, I have made some amazing friends, who are invaluable in enriching the university experience, and supporting me in my time here. I’ve also been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to play basketball at University level; this is a fantastic opportunity to get needed breaks from working/studying’.

If you are an ex Kinver High School pupil and you would like to join our alumni, please complete the form using this link and we will be in touch with you, thank you. 


View Form




Enrichment trips & curriculum activities linking to CEIAG may include: 


  • Science Club – Students meet visitors including vets from the West Midlands Safari Park


  • Formula One Engineering Club


  • ‘Keeping Active on the Edge’ School Magazine- skills in journalism and media


  • School Council: visits to the Houses of Parliament & meeting with local MPs


  • Performing Arts - trips to the theatre and visits from musicians to inspire students


  • English Literature – Visits to Royal Shakespeare Company and visiting authors


  • Community activities week – including catering and hospitality - creating lunch for the local community


  • PE – Experiences within Sports Science at Newman University and personal trainers


  • Cadet Force


  • Enrichment Placements at Sixth Form including the primary schools placement



Careers Events take place throughout the year, we organise special CEIAG events specific

to year groups to focus students on subject options, work experience, CV and interview skills and to

support them in making informed decisions.


These events include:


  • Careers Fayre


  • Careers Immersion Day (Years 7-10)


  • Staying in Learning Day (Year 11)


  • KS4 Options Evening and taster lessons


  • Work experience (Years 10 and 12)


  • College and university visits


  • Curriculum careers focus month



Our CEIAG policy is reviewed annually by the Careers Leader.


Our CEIAG Policy can be found here: 



For further Careers Information and Guidance please contact Mrs Mouzer - Assistant Headteacher:

Gatsby Benchmarks


Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Benchmarks are used to develop andimprove our careers provision. They define all of the elements of anexcellent careers programme. 



The Eight Gatsby Benchmarks are:


1. A Stable Careers Programme

Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career

education and guidance that is known and understood by pupils, parents,

teachers, governors and employers.


2. Learning from career and labour market information

Every pupil, and their parents, should have access to good quality

information about future study options and labour market opportunities.


3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

Pupils have different career guidance needs at different stages.

Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of

each pupil. A school’s careers programme should embed equality and

diversity considerations throughout.


4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM

subjects for a wide range of future career paths.


5. Encounters with employers and employees

Every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace.


6. Experiences of workplaces

Every pupil should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.


7.  Encounters with Further and Higher Education

All pupils should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.


8.  Personal guidance

Every pupil should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a career adviser, who could be internal (a member of school staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level.



Click on this PDF to see our Gatsby Benchmark mapping:







Labour Market Information


Labour Market Information (LMI) helps students receive information

about careers and their futures which reflects employment, business

and jobs in the local area and nationally. 


LMI should give students an understanding about job and career trend,

businesses and opportunities for them within their local area, nationally

and even globally.









CEIAG useful links:


















For further information on our CEIAG please contact Mrs Mouzer - Assistant Headteacher :

Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)



Careers, Education, Information Advice and Guidance is of high priority at Kinver High.


We value our students as individuals and place great emphasis on supporting and guiding our young people both personally and academically to ensure that they achieve their full potential. It is our mission to provide students with current, relevant and impartial advice, which is timely regarding their future education.


Central to an effective Careers Programme is the ability to inspire and motivate young people to accomplish their future ambitions. We seek to instil an ethos of ambition amongst our students and our careers programme promotes equality, challenges stereotypes and aims to prepares students for the diverse society we live in. Our programme aims for careers advice to be contextualised to raise aspirations and allow students to plan and follow a career path best suited to them. It is designed to meet the Gatsby benchmarks and conforms to statutory requirements.


We are fully committed to ensuring that students are informed and aware of all the possibilities open to them post 16 and post 18. Providing them with a wide range of opportunities throughout their time with us to allow them to explore future pathways and careers as well as ensuring they receive quality advice and guidance tailored to individual needs so all students can make the right choices for them.




We are keen to share the achievements of our former students and tap into their skills and

knowledge to help inspire our current students.


We look forward to inviting Alumni in to take part in our career’s events throughout the year.
























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